
Class Summary
ItemUtils Class containing utility methods for local file systems and items.
LocalCanCopyItemOperation An operation that tests whether a local item can be copied.
LocalCanCopyItemToDestinationOperation An operation that tests whether an item can be copied into a specified destination directory.
LocalCanGetChildOperation A local implementation of the can get child operation.
LocalCanGetFileAccessorOperation An operation that tests whether a file accessor can be created to get access to a local file's contents.
LocalCanGetItemFromAbsoluteReferenceOperation An operation that tests whether an item object can be created in the local file system from an absolute reference.
LocalCanGetItemFromRelativeReferenceOperation An operation that tests whether an item can be created from a relative reference on the local file system.
LocalCanGetMetadataOperation An operation that tests whether certain metadata may be acquired for a local item.
LocalCanGetRelativePathOperation An operation that tests whether a relative path can be constructed for an item.
LocalCanGetRootsOperation An operation that checks whether roots can be acquired from the local file system.
LocalCloseFileAccessorOperation An operation that closes a local file accessor.
LocalCreateFileOperation An operation that creates a new empty file in a local directory.
LocalCreateSubdirectoryOperation An operation that creates a subdirectory inside a local directory.
LocalDeleteItemOperation An operation that deletes an item on the local file system.
LocalDirectory A directory in the local file system.
LocalFastCopyItemOperation An operation that copies a local item using FileChannel.transferTo.
LocalFile A file in the local file system.
LocalFileAccessor A file accessor for files on the local file system.
LocalFileSystem A local file system uses the class to access files existing on the local machine.
LocalGetAbsolutePathOperation An operation that gets the absolute path of a local item.
LocalGetChildOperation An operation that makes an item from the name of a child in a local directory.
LocalGetChildrenOperation An operation to get all the children in a directory.
LocalGetFileAccessorOperation An operation that obtains a file accessor for a local file.
LocalGetFileSizeOperation An operation that acquires the size of a file in the local file system.
LocalGetItemFromAbsoluteReferenceOperation An operation that creates an item object in the local file system from an absolute reference.
LocalGetItemFromRelativeReferenceOperation An operation that gets an item from a relative reference on the local file system.
LocalGetMetadataOperation An operation that gets metadata for a local file.
LocalGetParentOperation An operation that gets the parent item of another item in the local file system.
LocalGetRelativePathOperation An operation that gets the relative path of a local item.
LocalGetRootOperation An implemementation of the get root operation.
LocalGetRootsOperation An operation that gets all the roots on the local file system.
LocalItem An item in the local file system.
LocalSetMetadataOperation An operation that sets elements of metadata for local items.
LocalSetNameOperation An operation that sets the name of a local item.
LocalSetParentOperation An operation that sets the parent of a local item.