
JGenFile is a set of interfaces designed for working with various file systems in Java, providing a much more powerful alternative to using objects.


Interface Summary
AbsolutePath An extension of the path interface.
BatchOperation A batch operation runs multiple other operations.
CanCopyItemOperation An operation that tests whether an item can be copied.
CanCopyItemToDestinationOperation An operation that tests whether can item can be copied to a particular destination.
CanCreateFileOperation An operation that tests whether a file can be created in a directory.
CanCreateLinkOperation An operation that tests whether a link can be created in a directory.
CanCreateSubdirectoryOperation An operation that tests whether a subdirectory can be created in a directory.
CanDeleteItemOperation An operation that tests whether an item can be deleted.
CanGetAbsolutePathOperation An operation that tests whether the absolute path of an item can be acquired.
CanGetChildOperation An operation that tests whether a child of a directory can be acquired.
CanGetChildrenOperation An operation that tests whether the children of a directory can be acquired.
CanGetFileAccessorOperation An operation that tests whether the accessor of a file can be acquired.
CanGetFileSizeOperation An operation that tests whether the size of a file can be acquired.
CanGetFileSystemMetadataOperation An operation that determines whether elements of metadata are accessible for a file system.
CanGetItemFromAbsoluteReferenceOperation An operation that tests whether an item can be acquired given an absolute reference.
CanGetItemFromRelativeReferenceOperation An operation that tests whether an item can be acquired given a relative reference.
CanGetLinkTargetOperation An operation that tests whether the target item of a link can be acquired.
CanGetMetadataOperation An operation that determines whether elements of metadata are accessible for an item.
CanGetParentOperation An operation that tests whether the parent of an item can be read.
CanGetRelativePathOperation An operation that tests whether the relative path of an item can be acquired.
CanGetRootsOperation An operation that tests whether the roots of a file system can be acquired.
CanSetFileSystemMetadataOperation An operation that determines whether elements of metadata can be modified for a file system.
CanSetLinkTargetOperation An operation that tests whether the target item of a link can be set.
CanSetMetadataOperation An operation that determines whether elements of metadata can be modified for an item.
CanSetNameOperation An operation that tests whether the name of an item can be changed.
CanSetParentOperation An operation that tests whether the parent of an item can be changed.
CloseFileAccessorOperation An operation that closes a file accessor.
CloseFileSystemOperation An operation that closes a file system.
ConstantOperation A tagging interface to indicate that an operation always returns a constant value as a result.
CopyItemOperation An operation that copies an item.
CreateFileOperation An operation that creates an empty file in a directory.
CreateLinkOperation An operation that creates a link in a directory.
CreateSubdirectoryOperation An operation that creates an empty subdirectory in a directory.
DeleteItemOperation An operation that deletes an item.
Directory A directory is an item that contains other items within it.
DirectoryOperation An operation that operates on a directory.
File The representation of a file in a file system.
FileAccessor A file accessor allows access to the contents of a file through a channel.
FileAccessorOperation An operation that operates on a file accessor.
FileOperation An operation that operates on a file.
FileSystem A file system has methods to batch commands and allows retrieval of metadata relating to the file system itself, as well as a batch run method for operations that can be used to improve performance.
FileSystemOperation An operation for a file system.
GetAbsolutePathOperation An operation that gets the absolute path of an item.
GetAllMetadataKeysOperation An operation that retrieves keys for all the metadata an item has.
GetChildOperation An operation that acquires a child item with a specific name in a directory.
GetChildrenOperation An operation that retrieves the items contained in a directory.
GetFileAccessorOperation An operation that gets a file accessor for a file.
GetFileSizeOperation An operation that retrieves the size of a file.
GetFileSystemMetadataOperation An operation that acquires metadata for a file system.
GetItemFromAbsoluteReferenceOperation An operation that attempts to get an item given an absolute reference.
GetItemFromRelativeReferenceOperation An operation that attempts to get an item given a relative reference.
GetLinkTargetOperation An operation that acquires the target item of the link.
GetMetadataOperation An operation that acquires metadata for an item.
GetParentOperation An operation that retrieves the parent directory of an item.
GetRelativePathOperation An operation that gets the relative path of an item.
GetRootOperation An operation that acquires a root item with a specific name in a file system.
GetRootsOperation An operation that retrieves the roots of a file system.
Item An item represents a file or directory in a file system.
ItemIterator An iterator that can be used to go through a listing of children in a directory.
ItemOperation An operation that acts on a single item in a file system.
Link The representation of a symbolic link or shortcut in a file system.
LinkOperation An operation that operates on a link.
Operation An operation does something with a filesystem, for instance it might query the size of a file or rename a file.
OperationHints.Key An operation hints key.
OperationHints.Value An operation hints value.
OperationHintsCommonKeys A collection of classes useful for creating operation hints.
Path A path is a list of ancestors of an item in order from the parent of the item itself to the most distant ancestor.
Path.Iterator Iterator interface for path objects.
RelativePath An extension of the path interface.
SetFileSystemMetadataOperation An operation that sets metadata for a file system.
SetLinkTargetOperation An operation that sets the target item of a link.
SetMetadataOperation An operation that sets metadata for an item.
SetNameOperation An operation that sets the name of an item.
SetParentOperation An operation that sets the parent directory of an item.

Class Summary
AbsoluteItemReference An absolute item reference is an item reference where its most distant ancestor is a root in the file system.
FileAccessorOptions Available options to use when creating a file accessor.
FileAccessorOptions.OffsetMode Class to represent different offset modes.
ItemReference A reference to an item in a file system.
JGenFile The central JGenFile class that can be used to easily get access to file systems and their providers.
OperationHints A set of hints to give operations that may affect their execution.
OperationHintsCommonKeys.AbstractValue A value implementation that fills in toString(), etc.
OperationHintsCommonKeys.KeyImpl An simple key class.
RelativeItemReference A relative item reference is an item reference where its most distant ancestor is not a root in the file system.
RelativeItemReference.ParentReference A parent reference class which is the type of the PARENT_REFERENCE variable.
RelativePath.ParentItem A singleton class representing a parent type reference in the path.

Exception Summary
ChannelAcquiredException An exception that is thrown when more than one channel is attempted to be acquired from a FileAccessor.
ClosedIteratorException An exception that occurs when the next element is queried in an iterator after the iterator has been closed.
FileAccessorClosedException An exception that occurs when a channel is attempted to be acquired from a file accessor that has been closed.
FileAccessorOptionsException An exception that is thrown when a channel is accessed through a file accessor but the options used to create the accessor did not specify the type of access appropriate for the method.
IncompleteCopyException An exception that occurs when a copy operation copied some but not all of the bytes that were meant to be copied.
InvalidAncestorException An exception that occurs when a directory that is expected to be an ancestor of an item cannot be found.
InvalidItemNameException An exception that indicates that an item name was invalid.
ItemNameInUseException An exception that occurs when an attempt is made to rename or create an item with a name that another item in the same directory already has.
ItemNotFoundException An exception that occurs when an item can not be found in the file system.
JGenFileException An exception that occurs when something goes wrong with an operation in a file system.
OpenChannelException An exception that occurs when an attempt is made to close a file accessor but the channel acquried with that accessor is still open.
OperationAbortedException An excetpion that is thrown when an operation reacts to the abort() method being called.
OperationNotFinishedException Occurs when an attempt is made to retrieve the result of an operation when the operation has not yet completed running or an error occurred when the operation was executed causing it not to finish running.
OperationNotSupportedException An exception that is thrown when an operation is not supported by a file system.
PartialCopyException An exception that occurs when a copy item operation attempts to copy a directory containing multiple files and only some of the files could be copied successfully.
PartialDeleteException An exception that occurs when a delete item operation attempts to delete a directory containing multiple files and only some of the files could be deleted.

Error Summary
JGenFileConfigurationError Occurs when there is a serious configuration problem with JGenFile.

Package Description

JGenFile is a set of interfaces designed for working with various file systems in Java, providing a much more powerful alternative to using objects.

Most users will start off by getting access to the local file system through the JGenFile class.

See Also: